(Stereo-PLastic Analysis Tool)

Software Package for STEREO-PLASTIC



Version 1.0.0 03/09/2007



1.      Introduction


SPLAT is a software package for the data-analysis of the STEREO PLASTIC instrument. It is written in IDL and uses the Berkeley TPLOT graphics package (by Davin Larson http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~davin/). This package provides the data extraction and processing routines which are initiated by the use of crib-sheets. Once the data are loaded in the IDL memory, tplot functions are used to plot the data. The crib-sheets provided, are generic idl scripts that are used to load particular data products. This version of the software represents the current state of the PLASTIC software at UNH.



SPLAT runs on PLASTIC Level 1 data.

All Level 1 is available in CDF format through the Stereo Science Center:



Level 1 Data Contact:  Dr. Lorna Ellis ( lorna.ellis@unh.edu )



The SPLAT Software can be found at:



SPLAT Contact :  Dr. Chris Mouikis (chris.mouikis@unh.edu)


2.      Installation


2.1.     System Requirements


SPLAT has been developed in IDL6 in a Linux-Unix environment. SPLAT should work on any Unix and Unix based (MAC OSX) system. Porting to other platforms is not currently planned but is possible. Filenames & paths follow the UNIX naming convention.


2.2.     Folder Structure


SPLAT is delivered as a zipped file (splat.zip). Unzip this file using an unzip utility or the following unix command:


unzip splat.zip


A folder, named splat, is then installed in the current directory. Under this folder the following folders/files can be found:








2.3.     Editing splat.sh start-up script


Each user has to edit the splat.sh start-up script in the splat_user folder. The splat.sh script is a c-shell script setting environment variables for all software and data paths. In the example script included, it is assumed that both splat_user and splat_v1.0 directories are installed in the user's home directory under the directory splat. The user has to ensure that all software paths defined in this file are valid. Data paths need to be valid if they are to be used for the creation of a particular product. Here is a description of the environment variables that are set by the splat.sh script (only highlighted variables are the ones that need to be edited if the default setup is kept):














3.        SPLAT Usage


Once the start-up script splat.sh file is properly edited the user has to:



Once the crib-sheet is executed tplot commands can be used to display the data. Here is a very basic list of tplot commands. These commands should be executed in the idl command line after data products are loaded.







The _example_crib file, included in the splat_user directory, 





Crib-sheets are sets of IDL-code calling SPLAT main-level plot routines. A set of example crib-sheets is contained in the splat_user folder. A crib-sheet is executed by typing @crib-sheet-name at the IDL prompt. This will load all requested data into tplot variables and will produce a plot on screen.



time: Start date/time string in tplot format ('yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss')

Example: time = '2007-01-20/00:00:00'


timespan: Set the time span (duration). One of the following keywords has to be used: SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS (DEFAULT)

Example: timespan, time, 1, /DAYS


sat: Satellite id ('A' or 'B'). An array of strings indicating the s/c

Example: ['A', 'B']


moments: Moment to be calculated. The following abbreviations should be used 'D': Density, 'V': Velocity, 'T': Temperature 'P': Pressure, 'J': Flux, 'E': Energy Flux. The sat, specie and moments arrays must have exactly the same number of element


energy: Energy range (200 - 87000 eV) [energy_min, energy_max]

Example: energy = [1000, 10000]


theta: Deflection angle range (-25, 25 degrees) [theta_min, theta_max]

Example: theta = [-25, 25]


phi: Position angle range (-25, 25 degrees) [phi_min, phi_max]

Example: theta = [-25, 25]


units: Units options: 'Counts', 'c/s''

Example: units = 'Counts'



3.1.2.  pla_en_spec_crib


To plot PLASTIC energy spectra (quantity vs. energy vs. time)


INPUT PARAMETERS: product, time, timespan, units


Possible products are:


#    SOURCE ARRAY                       REDUCED ARRAY                   CLASSIFIER


01: SW-all                                           : h_alpha

02: SW-H(D)                                       : h+peak

03: SW-alpha(D)                                 : he++peak

04: SW-alpha(T)                                 : he++trc

05: SW Z>2                                        : sw_z>2_h                             class:0-1

06: SW Z>2                                        : sw_z>2_l                              class:0-12

07: WIDE ANGLE                               : wap_ssd_tcr                         class:0-14

08: WIDE ANGLE(D)                           : wap_ssd_dcr                        class:0-6

09: WIDE ANGLE(D)                           : wap_no_ssd_dcr                  class:0-6

10: SW PHA PRIORITY RATES          : sw_priority                             class:0-3

11: WAP PHA PRIORITY RATES       : wap_priority_ssd                   class:0-1

12: WAP PHA PRIORITY RATES       : wap_priority_no_ssd             class:0-1




prod = 'A1'                  - S/C A, product 1

prod = 'B07/0-14'        - S/C B, product 7,   classifiers 0 to 14

prod = 'B5/0-1'            - S/C B, product 5,   classifiers 0 &  1

prod = 'A10/0,2-3'       - S/C B, product 10, classifiers 0 &  2 & 3


KEYWORDS: diagn – it creates the corresponding s-channel plot (over-plotted line in following plots).




3.1.3.  pla_en_spec_line_crib


To plot PLASTIC quantity vs. time line plots for a particular energy range.


INPUT PARAMETERS: product, time, timespan, units, energy


The inputs are the same as the ones described for the energy spectra (3.1.2). An additional input is the energy range (3.1.1) over which the energy spectrum is integrated.


KEYWORDS: diagn – it is not used yet.



3.1.4.  pla_def_spec_crib


To plot PLASTIC deflection spectra (quantity vs. deflection angle vs. time)


INPUT PARAMETERS: product, time, timespan, units, energy, phi


The inputs are the same as the ones described for the energy spectra (3.1.2). An additional input is the energy range (3.1.1) over which the energy spectrum is integrated (and the phi range (3.1.1) which is not used yet).


KEYWORDS: diagn – It creates the corresponding average deflection plot (over-plotted line in following plots)




3.1.5.  pla_pos_spec_crib


To plot PLASTIC position spectra (quantity vs. deflection angle vs. time)


INPUT PARAMETERS: product, time, timespan, units, energy, theta


The inputs are the same as the ones described for the energy spectra (3.1.2). An additional input is the energy range (3.1.1) over which the energy spectrum is integrated (and the theta range (3.1.1) which is not used yet).


KEYWORDS: diagn – It creates the corresponding average position plot (over-plotted line in following plots)




3.1.6.  pla_obmom_crib


To plot PLASTIC on-board moments (quantity vs. time)


 INPUT PARAMETERS: sat_moment, time, timespan


Possible moment products:


D:                    Density

VX:                  Velocity Vx component

VY:                  Velocity Vy component

VZ:                  Velocity Vz component

VXYZ:             All three velocity components

VT:                  Velocity Vtotal component

TXX:               Temperature xx

TYY:               Temperature yy

TZZ:                Temperature zz

TXXYYZZ:       All three temperature components

PXX:               Pressure xx

PYY:               Pressure yy

PZZ:               Pressure zz

PXXYYZZ:       All three pressure components


sat_moment input examples:


sat_moment = ['A_D', 'B-D']

sat_moment = ['A_D', 'A_VX', 'A_VY', 'A_TXXYYZZ']


Note: For this version of the software one input per spacecraft will load all moments. Therefore the first example:  sat_moment = ['A_D', 'B-DÕ' will load all moments for both spacecraft. After the crib-sheet is executed using the tplot_names command will show the list of all the moments.



KEYWORDS: INST_COORD: moments are calculated in instrument coordinates


In the following figure on-board moments from STA (black) and STB (blue) are plotted.





3.1.7.  pla_mon_crib


To plot PLASTIC monitor rates (quantity vs. time)


 INPUT PARAMETERS: sat, sat_mon, e_step, time, timespan, units, no_eng,


Possible sat_mon products:





















'w _mult_pos'

'w _valid'












'stop0'                         sfr0/stp0

'stop2'                 sfr2/sf2

'start2'                 sfr2/stp2


sat_mon input examples:


sat_moment = ['s_valid', 'ssd_sw', 'sf0', 'sfr0', 'ra_trig'] (following plot)



Possible e_step values:

are from 0 to 31. Each e_step value corresponds to 4 energy bins (from the 0-127 energy bins). e_step = 32 will return the whole energy range.






3.1.8.  pla_mon_full_crib


To plot PLASTIC monitor rates for full energy range (quantity vs. time)


Same input parameters as above. The e_step takes values from 0 to 127.


3.1.9.  pla_mon_crib


To plot PLASTIC monitor rates (quantity vs. time)


 INPUT PARAMETERS: sat, sat_mon, e_step, time, timespan, units, no_eng,


3.1.10. pla_hk_crib


To plot house keeping parameters (parametrer vs. time)




The list of the available housekeeping parameters is included in the crib-sheet


3.1.11. pla_hk_crib


To plot house keeping parameters (parametrer vs. time)


INPUT PARAMETERS: sat, sat_dig_hk


The list of the available housekeeping parameters is included in the crib-sheet


3.1.12. pla_hk_crib


To plot house keeping parameters (parametrer vs. time)


INPUT PARAMETERS: sat, sat_sc_hk


The list of the available housekeeping parameters is included in the crib-sheet



4. Trouble Shooting


If program execution stops with an error message, examine all the output message lines. In addition, an error log file is kept under splat_user/error_log. Quite often the error is related to missing data files or products. In some cases you might resume execution by returning from a subroutine: Type RETURN or RETURN,0 for that purpose, otherwise RETALL will bring you back to the main level, from where you can restart with corrected parameters.